300 Down, 65 To Go

Do you notice something strange in the title of this post?

Does it seem to not add up like it should?

Does this only happen during a leap year?

There are 366 days in 2008 (the bonus day in February just helped push the election off an extra 24 hours). But why don't the numbers add up like one may think they should?

Simple. For some reason, it doesn't take today into consideration, though the entire idea is based on today taking place. Is this what makes today special? Well, today is always special. Just like yesterday was special - yesterday and tomorrow will be special (say it with me) -- tomorrow.

Well, I'm outta here. Yeah, I know, it's a short post. But I'm off to do something to make today special. What exactly that is or will be, I don't know yet. That might be part of it being special as well. Ya gotta live it to love it.

So what do ya say:

How are you spending your day 301? (day 302 in other parts of the world).
What makes it special? What will make tomorrow special? And what am I doing asking you all of this personal stuff as if it's any of my business? I'm just nosey that way I suppose.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
David Stoddard
That nosey guy who is starting to ask readers a lot of questions, (for their own good, of course).

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