What Do You Write When Away?

It seems as if getting away is just something we as writers end up doing at times. We write about places that maybe we have been, or perhaps have only read about. We may write travel pieces about some spot we have come across by luck or by plan.

But what other things do you write about when you are away from your normal life? If it's a vacation, do you really stop writing during it if you are a writer? What if you are just out at the park, a ball game, riding a horse (makes it tough to write while galloping), or at the amusement park.

This week, get out from your desk or your normal place where you are writing and go somewhere.

Try not to write, see how easy or difficult it is. And be careful out there.

-- David

Images Worth Writing About

I'm here in the lab wondering about time and nothing to do and writing about it.

It happens somewhat often that pretty much nothing is going on here, but yet I tend to do nothing about it. Sure, we have folks come in to use the computers, and we get the occasional question as to how they can log into the system. Usually we have correct answers.

But every now and then, a whole lot of nothing happens. Just the 2 or 3 of us here, the fans blowing, the high pitch of the rip in the background, and me checking email way too much. What's a writer, and an unmotivated one to do.

So my suggestion for those in the same situation is to not only take a nap (ooops, wrong topic). I mean take out a pen and some paper, doodle for a bit, and see what images you can get from your doodle.

's somewhat like the clouds we used to look upto so long ago and wonder what we could see. What images those clouds formed (or at least we believed they formed something. Do the same with your doodle... but this time, write about what you see.

What does it mean? Is it really there? Why did you come up with _______ as the thing you saw? What could it lead to? What has it meant to you before? How can you use this in your next article, story, poem or humorous bit of material?

Tell us what you see.