Make Room For Better Stuff

Cleaning stuff out of the place, making room for the new. What the "new" will be I don't know until it comes along. Goodwill either loves me or loathes me, I'm not quite sure. I do my best not to give them junk or things they can't do anything with, or what I wouldn't want in another life perhaps.

It is still tough at times getting rid of things. Memories tied to them, money spent on them, the possible use for them down the road, size 36 pants may still happen some day.... right?????

Tough things to get rid of this year included the glass set mom and dad received for their wedding, the roulette set they received for an early anniversary, their wedding album (thought to myself what am I going to do with this). Dad's Coast Guard cap, the two Christmas stuffed bears on the window seat in the family room... That could be due to being lazy or just "how can I get rid of stuffed animals"?

Earlier in the year before things settled down enough, I bought stuff without much thinking beyond :Hmm, I could use that". These included a juicer, two filing organizer things, a hot air popcorn popper, rice cooker and a dry erase calendar board - despite knowing I can not read my own hand writing.

Rice cooker / steamer is still used (once I get past the Minute rice I still have, it will be used even more). Popcorn popper from time to time. Recently bought a coffee maker which is used probably too often.

But back to the making room for stuff.

This year has begun to teach me in a way that everything is just stuff. When mom passed, her stuff was still here.Which then became my stuff. A lot of his has been passed on to Goodwill, friends, other charities or for things no one in their right mind would need, the recycle bin.

The year has also shown me to simplify things (Sorry Terry Riffey, stole your "copyrighted" word). It's a constant process since I keep getting new plastic wear despite disposing of the stuff that just would not be necessary.

Anyway. Where was I and what was I thinking when I started this possibly never ending ramble.... I don't know. Must have something to do with the 50 degrees here in St. Louis in December or that the sun is out for one of the few times in the past 2 months. Or maybe it;s just something I had to get off my mind and out into space or something like that.

Whatever the case, thank you for reading this far (or just skipping to the end to see what the punchline would be). If I had to leave a lesson in this, it would be to clean out 1 thing a day to make room for whatever is to come.

To clean up 1 thing from every room you stop in before going to another. Do 1 simple thing at a time. Take a moment to fix that thing that has been bugging you for weeks. Move that tissue box with the tissue sticking out of it which casts a shadow of a killer dinosaur when you are trying to sleep.

And make 2015 a much better year than 2014 could have ever hoped to be. Sorry 2014. I know you are not over yet, but it is what it is.

Peace everyone!

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