What's In YOUR Stocking?

I bet you already know where this post is going. And if you're like most people, you would say down the screen. You'd be right.

But then that would be soooooo off topic.

Yes, I was a kid.

Years and years ago, I would wake up on Christmas morning (or maybe even sneak out in the middle of the night, shhhh, don't tell anyone), and look at the packages under the tree. They were of decent sizes. I was eager to open them all. (even the ones with clothes, as it turn out, were fun to open).

Though I knew we had hung stockings from the counter ledge, (didn't have a fireplace), I wasn't concerned about them at all. What could possibly be in them to warrent my time. I had to get in there and open those new electronic games or Atari cartridges. None of which would fit in a stocking (or so I thought until I looked one year).

Coming to understand.

As I've gotten older, the wrapped packages don't mean as much for one reason or other, but the stuff in the stockings means more.

Ok, maybe not so much the traditional candy cane, (though tradition has it's place), but the cards and trinkets and toy car which reminds me of that Spider HotWheel I had. (black spider painted on the hood of a dark blue car), but I digress.

The Reality of today.

In these tough economic times, it's going to be the little things which make this holiday season special. Sure, a new car, PSP, winning lottery ticket, (which yes, those would fit in a stocking), would be nice, but it's not always possible. And that's ok.

Angie, a.k.a. One Motivational Mama, wrote today about her struggles this year and how she's not able to buy nearly as much as she would for family and friends. And it's happening all over.

It's going to be family, friends, food and finding what this season is all about, that will mean the most. Not some noisy "Rock Band" gift or river boat purchase.

So yes, I admit this post went off topic a bit, but still, it does come down to the little things.

So I ask again, What's in YOUR stocking?

  • What are you greatful for this holiday season?
  • What small tokens off appreciation can you give others?
  • What do you need for yourself to be happier feel appreciated?
  • What can you create to put in your own stocking that will help you get outta your way?
~ David ~

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David Stoddard

Laugh a bit and get out of your own way at Get Outta Your Way dot com.

Balance your business-life and your life-life with us at biz e life dot com.
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