Shorter Than Short Videos Added (12 Seconds)

Twelve seconds doesn't seem like a long time. And I don't believe it is either. (unless you are leading by 2 points and the other team has the ball at your 45 yard line with 3 timeouts left, then it seems like the game will never end).

But anyway, back to what I was typing about, 12 seconds is an online video place where you too can add your own mini videos which are, (and you can probably guess it), 12 seconds long. Think of this as the Twitter version for video.

Now like in all social environments, there are the occasional postings which make no sense to the larger population. Some of these seem as if someone hit the record button and didn't remember doing it. (Strange things you can get when that happens).

So, yes, I have now entered into that arena with my own first, second, and third videos. (Yes, I promise to have a different shirt on next time as well as various backgrounds just to brighten things up a bit).

What you will find will be bits about life, living (hopefully a bit funny at times), quotes and thoughts which actually might mean something vaguely important. Hey, it beats just sitting there looking at the camera for 12 seconds doing nothing. (Now that too, for the viewer, could seem like a very long time).

So what about you?

What would you say if you had just 12 seconds? 140 characters? 5 minutes to kill while standing in like at Wal-Mart?

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David Stoddard
Laugh a bit and get out of your own way at
Balance your business-life and your life-life with us at
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Branching Out, Listening In, Taking Over or What?

What's it like when you are placed into a new role, new situation, new uniform, given new duties, filling in for someone in a spot you know a bit about, but not everything. How about getting a new pair of shoes, new pair of pants, new coat that doesn't quite fit as loosely as you'd like?

Do you see it as an opportunity? Do you think you would not have been put there had your supervisor or others not have thought you could handle it? Or do you think they are trying to find a way to talk you into leaving? I know, I know. The whole coat, pants and shoes things above really don't make sense now, do they?

What's it all about Alfie?

Ok, personally, I don't think they are trying to get rid of us (unless you are a TV reporter being assigned to cover hurricanes, tornadoes, or the Phillies World Series victory parade. I heard the parade was pretty cool though).

It's a definite challenge, I can almost guarantee that, no matter what new role you are placed in.

It can also be a way for you to branch out a bit, learn new things, see things from a different perspective (and possibly curse people out once you get home and relax).

You might also be able to listen in to different folks you become involved with, learn their troubles and how you are now in a position to help them do what they do.

And, for those wanting world domination someday, it might even give you the shot at taking over something which may be missing, giving you some form of control for a change (and folks might not mind that).

How it relates personally

For me, this week is one of those moments. I have been given a new/additional role as one of those folks you call with a problem with your computer logging in or something.

It's strange seeing things from this side of the phone line. As mentioned before, it's a whole new perspective. (not the kind from a hot air balloon overlooking the Great Wall of China), but more of from the view of someone sitting in a chair, looking at their monitor with these strange ear pieces on with a microphone which doesn't wish to stay in the correct position to work properly waiting for something to, well, go wrong. (can't wait to get a call for something actually working as it should).

In this situation, it is a way to branch out and learn new stuff. It's a way for me to listen in to those who call. It's also a bit of a way for me to take over their computer from a distance and see what I can do to help.

Have I or haven't I?

Have I cursed anyone out yet? Nope. I am thinking about things differently however. It does make me wonder about my current, previous duties. Will I forget how to do what I was doing? Will what I am currently/was doing exist in the near future? Did what I was doing really matter? Is this now more important?

It's questions we ask, thoughts we have, ideas we allow to rattle in our minds until something constructive comes out. We just make the most of things, help push them in a positive direction for ourselves and see where we go from here.

Get out of your way by: looking at the bigger picture. It is an opportunity. It challenges us. It involves us with different people. We hopefully learn more. And when we succeed, WOW! Just imagine the next new role we will find ourselves in. :-)

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David Stoddard
Laugh a bit and get out of your own way at Balance your business-life and your life-life with us at
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