Cold Days, Warm Showers, Words Written

I woke up this morning and thought to myself, "Damn it's cold." Why is it so cold? Granted, it is January here in the middle of the country, but this is a tad early for temps to be below our St. Louis Rams' winning percentage this season. (that would be low for those non-football stat trackers).

I tried staying in bed for as long as I could. (that's a like, I really could have stayed in bed a whole lot longer. It's just that I wasn't smart enough to just turn off the alarm instead of just pressing the snooze bar at the top).

The morning routine commenced as it usually does. Got outta bed with a perfect 2 point landing (love those dismounts gymnasts make). Grabbed a towel from the hall closet along with shampoo and carefully stepped into the shower. (more details would be here such as turning on the water, testing the temperature, disrobing, trying not to slip on the soap which I had already dropped onto the shower floor).

Finally, that portion was complete. Bright and shiny and new I was.

Long story short (or even longer pending on your view), I finished getting dressed, packed for the day ahead, got in the car, let it warm up for several hours (minutes), and headed out as if it was no big deal. (that's a far cry -with tears freezing on my cheeks - from what I was thinking when I first awoke and fought to get myself outta bed (as you read before).

What does all of this have to do with getting yourself in gear to do the writing or whatever else you are thinking you just HAVE to do?

I don't know - and that's ok. You see, my goal for now was to get myself writing and posting something here for the 1st time in the year.

You will see that as sort of a theme for the blog this year of Twenty-Ten. Getting writing. Starting writing. Continuing long-awaited writing. Sitting your butt in a chair and writing instead of exercising by doing laundry or raiding the fridge again instead of writing.

And that my friends, is what it's all about.

Of course, I could tie into my own past motivational musings (sorry Angie, here is a link to your blog for my creatively typing that and temporary unwillingness to change it) and say something like the above story is about how getting up and getting going becomes easier, despite what comfort you are feeling at a previous moment.

So to get you started writing....

Write about the cold.
Write about the bear in the picture.
Write about being bare in the shower.
Write about needing a cold shower (keep it PG naughty boy/girl).
Write about the new year ahead (since I didn't cover that yet)
Write about the past year (of the past)


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
David Stoddard

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Pick up the Kindle version of 200 Writing Prompts
Yorkie fan? Check out Terrific
And a 2nd link for Angie's Motivational Musings
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

1 comment:

  1. First off, let me concur with your "brrrrrrrr" message. I have yet to feel my fingertips from my journey out yesterday. (I'm just a writer, who needs fingertips, anyway?)

    Glad to see you posting.

    I DO, however, have to laugh about your Twitter Updates. It's sort of like you - says, "Undefined" as I sit here and type. (Hmmmmm, could that be a topic for you?) :)

    Keep warm!
