Nothin To Say, Don't Say Nothin

Boy if that isn't the truth.

Well, actually, maybe not so much the truth as an excuse as how and/or why I haven't written anything here since Christmas.

Was I recovering from mass consumption of liquored eggnog? 

Did all the gifts I receive weigh me down too much?

Was I bad during the year that Santa didn't bring me my wildly anticipated collection of Weird Al DVDs?

Now while I would love to say at least 1 of those were true, I don't believe any of them were. Though that first one would have been tempting... minus the egg and nog.

Actually I have been busy buying books. (and yes, for those who know me, I have actually read parts of them). And yes, I took my girlfriend and her daughter to the Weird Al concert last Friday at the Family Arena in St. Charles. (That's how I roll).

Books bought this year include: (no affiliate links included)

So yes, I have been stalling quiet well with the writing portion of being a writer, at least with how this blog gets along. And no, I haven't made it all the way through any of the above books (just bought Yuvi's today, so give me a break on that one).

With that in mind, I hope by reading some portions of these I am able to give that activity credit for this post being written.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to the eggnog-less eggnog I just got last night.